


42 20
what's up?
nothing much really I'm going to eat food
food is good. so what was your old username?
so what food did you get? I just finished eating gummy worms.
also do you have any questions? or.. idk.
I just got a taco😂 and idk if I have any questions
tacos yes. okie dokie.
yep☺️ what do u wanna talk about?
idk. anything & everything.
what's ur favorite band?
the muse
cool✨ my favorite is: 5SOS😂
ah. I'm into more weird music lol
I've actually never heard of that band, I will search it up tomorrow☺️ so many people on PC are leaving😭
have fun. and I know it's depressing. and I know depressing. maybe we should try to make pc idk more alive?
I don't know how though.
same. maybe we can make an account idk having a rant and collages saying "let PC be the way it was before and get rid of fakes" idk I'm kinda bad at giving out ideas😁
we could do a newspaper thingy
I remember I made the account Shh then everybody else started doing that. not proud, but hey it trended.
yeah that's a good idea💕
aha thanks. nah not stalkerish.
Yay! I'm glad you are on PC again, I've always loved your collages and it's great that I can see them again!
i would loooove to be your friend😱😍❤️👌🌹