-20•08•2024- [TAP]
heyy everyone, how are you doing!! i’m currently in luxembourg to see my family & last week i’ve been in
switzerland for 9 days, it was amazing🩷🩷 &&& rate this out of 10 please!! <3


-20•08•2024- [TAP] heyy everyone, how are you doing!! i’m currently in luxembourg to see my family & last week i’ve been in switzerland for 9 days, it was amazing🩷🩷 &&& rate this out of 10 please!! <3

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amazing!!!!! thank you! i had a great summer break!!! did you enjoy going to Switzerland?
coucou ! trop bien 👍🏼 mais tu vas où en France ? Sinon moi ça va merci ☺️
BEAUTIFUL!!! I swear your collages get better everytime!
summer break was good, just uneventful lol.
that sounds amazing! I hope you’re having a good time <3
how are you doingggg I‘m so sorry I was inactive but school started again this week ahhh :(
this is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I don’t know how you do it but these just keep getting better and better every time!
let’s just say long story short there was a misunderstanding and her aunt thinks I would purposely hurt my friend and I’ve had that done to me so I know how it feels so ofc I would purposely do it to anyone but no, apparently I would and I’m an f****ng liar
I’m all good now tho, I started school yesterday and it is so so much better than any school I’ve ever been too and I love it even tho it’s tiny
so the rodeo queen basically is someone who is basically a cowgirl and is an ambassador for rodeo and goes to most rodeos in her county or possibly even state and helps out with fair, carries the flags etc.
I haven’t started yet, but once I get over being sick I’ll probably start working with my friends horse again to see if I can make it work out
but it’s also a beauty contest for my county so yayyyy
j’adore🩷!Merci, je vais bien et toi ? 🥰💞
this is sooooo pretty!!
HIIII! I feel like I've genuinely not talked to you in a long time 😭 hruuuu? Switzerland sounds so fun, I'd like to go someday!
love the vibes on this!!
this is also so pretty 💗 my new school year has been pretty good 😊 I had about 10 weeks of summer break, wby
heyyy im doing good! hbu love??
Omg this is stunning!! You really make everything fit together so well ❤️
@caption that sounds like a lot of fun!!