How’s this? Also I really am part Irish lol 🍀


How’s this? Also I really am part Irish lol 🍀

22 2
that’s cool
do you have chocolate coins
*kisses your head* there! a completely friendly kiss on the head for my (part)Irish bestie 😊✌️❤️
I’m bored
and I'm Welsh XD
meow I think I’m going to go to bed gn
im going to court
blah blah blah they think i murdered my mom blah blah blah walslekro problems blah blah blah
tell that to a judge
fair doesnt exist
where i live......theres none of that
i live far away from there. my home was struck by war. thats home my ma died. but no one will listen!!!
....have you ever been in a war?
..........yeah i honestly dont care anymore
dont be
nothing will ever make seeing my town be ripped apart better.
no! ot has always been feels good finally talking about it
re:// ikr😂
this is so cute😍👌