I'll be answering them in every post i make! so make sure to always check out my posts so you can see the answer! here's the first one from my sister:Favorite quote? NO PAIN NO GAIN. 🐣


I'll be answering them in every post i make! so make sure to always check out my posts so you can see the answer! here's the first one from my sister:Favorite quote? NO PAIN NO GAIN. 🐣

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hi what do u edit with ?
how long have u been on pc
When did you start PC?
What country do you live in?
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
And can you vote for me ? 😂😂😂😂 im done now😅😉
what's your favorite sport/sports?!
favorite memory you've had and most embarassing moment?!
lol sry I asked like sooo many questions.. haha ok but one more, can u plz vote for me on the pop page?!
ahhhh one more, what's your name?
When did you start Pic Collage? Do you play any sports? What super power do you want to have? Do you play any instruments?
What grade are you in?
how old are u?
where do u live and where were u born?
What fandoms are you in??
fav movie