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u-g-l-y you ain't got no alibi you ugly hey hey you ugly
well I don't have anybody to date I'm lonely and I need somebody to talk to so yeah
what's up
nun much just lonely I want a boyfriend so badly
what about u
I wanted a girlfriend but how old are you
what about you
we're are both the same age so do wanna date me or not
you can call me anything u want to. call me like babe baby or baby girl it's up to
I don't care
she thirsty
she's thirsty
bruh she thirsty and cobi I don't know why you goin out with her you don't even know her. like that
cobi bruh I know u and ur only 12 and have u seen her page like frl cobi get ur head together
ahahaha cobi tryin to get with a 16 year old girl.....d-e-s-p-a-r-a-t-e........lol she is thirsty for that drank...lmΓ₯o.....cobi you need some help boi like for real
I'm 12 year old
we are done
lol πŸ˜‚
πŸ˜‚ dying inside
ps she thirsty