Collage by denija_who_slaythem


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are you gonna break up with Christian
do you want me to
I kinda want to date him but he's yours if you want him
he is just a boy😂
he said he don't like you and yah but he want let me brake up with him
yeah you want to date Dom
did he say that
and no I kind of like Dominic but I have known him sense preschool and we were best friends that's how we should keep it
because he said y'all were done
I will ask
so you don't want to date Dom
Christian said he would rather date me
if you don't believe me I will screenshot it
*but no drama if you don't want me to date him I won't
but he said he liked me you always taking somebody boy friend not trying to be mean
I only like Christian no one else
and I never said in these words break up with denijah I said did you break up with denijah
and I won't date him if you don't want me to
ok do it
like every time someone dating someone you take there boy you said you don't like him at Friday fun day I'm done I'm going to the office
do what
my mom is texting Mrs.hincen
ok I won't date Christian I'm sorry
I won't date anyone
no you can date him I'dc I'm going to the office my mom is seeing me.cry
no I'm not dating him I'm not dating anyone I'm not getting in trouble I never said anything about you
and what did I do all I said as I asked Christian something
ok you can date him when I'm done
so your not telling on me
please don't denijah because you will regret it when you want to be my friend again because I will say no because if I go to the office I'm kicked off of sga and I will be super sad
no but Ashley I want you to hang out with me more
ok I try but you know how it is hey think I'm like the leader but they don't know that I have changed if they ask me for money I give it to them if they ask me to do something for them I do it
but they still think I'm a leader I want to be a leader and have respect but I mean not by causing drama
yeah but don't do that for me Ashley I'm done bye I just need to talk to Mrs.hincen
I didn't do anything
I do try to hang out with you I even have a birthday invitation for you but if your going to cause drama and tell on me every five seconds then that's not a true friend
no I just need to talk to her is ok tho I'm not mad cause you hate me but ok
yeah but I don't want to be in drama and I bet your going to tell ms.hincon on me
and I never said I hate you
yeah right I'm tacking a screen and I'm gonna Gn to Mrs. hincen off my brother I pad but I'm done have a great life
ok well I have always considered you as my friend it's just you always cause drama my mom said you could come
over Friday so you could come to my brothers wrestling match but it's fair enough if you don't wanna be my friend anymore
thanks for being my friend for a while though
ok sorry I want to am I'm ridding the bud home or my mom taking me to your house
ok my mom can pick you up from your house
text me on text now
I will add me you and Christian in a group message
on App Store screen shot it so I can see how it look from App Store cause have it now
do it
witch on
the one that shows open
did you login I added you to a group conversation sis