KiritoxAsuna can you be my best or friend?


KiritoxAsuna can you be my best or friend?

2 0
what your name.
what your brother name?
how your day doing?
how old are you?
I'm 14
do you have Xbox 360?
okay. me too
my contact from my Xbox 360 is Romeo1228 same thing.
yes but my Xbox gold finish.
What your contact on your Xbox 360?
It's okay
But I always play little bit at minecraft in Xbox 360.
I like Lego. Do you like Lego?
Sorry about you don't have Lego. I have Mass Effects 2. Do you have Mass Effects 2?
We getting to be best friend. My best friend is Zion and Dixie but Dixie is a girl and Zion is a boy.
What that mean Skyrim?
Sorry I just search it and no I don't have Skyrim.
I have lot a Lego games.
what school are you in?
Bey but tomorrow I have to go the field trip. 👋🏻
Hey I have fun yesterday.
what grade are you in?
I'm 8 grade