Collage by xxhated_girlxx


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wait how old ru
oh dang
oh okay. dang bru
idk arent u like the oldest in ur class
how do u know if ur in 5th??
ah bc i felt like it was important sorry
ig i didnt wanna be like talkin to a 3rd grader or sum
nahh i couldnt rlly tell bc half of ur face is blocked out
i gotchu
i donโ€™t like showing my face in general tbh haha
im so uglyyyyy agghh
rip haha
aw sorryyy
that sucks
i hope u feel better
like i said im ugly asf so gimme a sec to find a DECENT pic
chill bru
what do u think๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
agh tbh i could lose some weight an stuff
agh idk thanks tho
im so tired and i gotta lotta hw so ill ttyl!!!
here delete this and put it back up when u wanna talk. prolly tomorrow tho! cua
hey girl delete this post for me will ya?
nah im tryna do hw but yk
anyway delete it by clicking the three dots in top right hand corner