Chat for lucy_Nami and OnePieceOfficial


Chat for lucy_Nami and OnePieceOfficial

15 1
so I got fandoms side of the story now I just need yours!
so she said that you blocked her for telling the truth
okay I see
Now FD's
now if nami could come and I'd like too see if that's the same story I'm not saying you are lying or anything but I'd like some more facts and stuff
I do
okay great!
what's your view? (incase ur wondering why I'm going to be a therapist when I'm older)
I do!
I did nothing to them they r lying to ur face
amazing mage did you see what happens?
fandom calm please
okay well since fandom is not agreeing with you we might be here for a while till we get a story we all agree on.
amazing Mage was rude to me
and I swear on the holy bible and on the death of Christ and on my and my mothers soul that I did nothing
don't worry I will get the truth wether it's one piece or not
but was she rude to get back on her friends behalf?
no yelling (or caps lock) in here please
okay calm down
that's okay that's what I'm here for
so we have lots of people believing OnePieceOfficial's side but on Fandom_Dancer's side we don't have much support fit you have perhaps screen shots of comments?
lol I am sure we will be fine because I can always help
if you want you can enviro Randomnerd
both of you will be fine I promis! I will do anything for my friends!
and that's okay
we just need her to agree to put it behind you
well she is in no state to do so
no I am saying that since we have not reached an agreement if she dose not respond we have the right to report her
I didn't btw opo
so ur lying
I hate myself cause of them
can't you just agree to leave it and go on with life?
see they r lying
I never reported them I never did anything to them
all I said was I feel left out by them cause they only wanna rp with each other
okay so you would like to fight until you feel so horrible you will let your followers down by killing your self fine... sorry but I don't understand why you don't take this offer
okay we will take a break
I'mnot lying opo u r
I'm done with their lies so I'm out bye Felicia
I hate taking sides but OnePieceOfficial is telling the truth.
traguy I am telling the truth I swore on my mothers soul and the bible and my soul that I'm telling the truth ask a ton of people and they will agree btw
wow so u agree with them when I'm telling the absolute the whole truth and nothing but the truth
thanks for every ones support and info but I fear that fandom dancer won't let it go
sigh.....I hate this kind of drama...actually I hate all types of drama...
I know right I just really want to help so that things can be calm
I fear that they won't let it go ur now attacking me behind my back I let this go ages ago but u keep bringing it up
I fear for them and their souls I pray to God they realize what they have done is a sin
I'm praying for them and their souls so they can be purified
I still think FD is lying...
what's going on
I am helping some friends of mine
what's the trouble I know something's wrong
well they are mad and want to quit PC and I'm trying to stop them and get them to calm down
I swore on everything and I'm not lying so go ahead and I know u lie your lips are moving
so ur getting out of hand with everyone attacking me this is messed up
I'm not the messed up one u Guys r making people attack me and mess me up I've dealt with more people like this in my life than any of you ever have so now guess whAt I've reached the breaking point idgaf about this anymore and focus on your selves and how messed up this is I'm done with people like u bullying me hope u guys know that I'm not a liar and I have an army to defend me who agrees
BUT they have a army too...and then theirs the people who just want this to be over!
my people want the to realize that they have sinned against a child of God
and they want them to stop attacking me
btw hungry-rainbow I swore on everything possible so I'm right and yeah I'm done with people attacking and and bullying me got a problem call 1-800 kiss my butt
I'm done with this so Emo delete this I don't want anymore people attacking me
@RandomNerd YOU ARE SO RIGHT! Can't we all just let it go...and BE HAPPY?!