I have a friend over and she's been on her phone for the past 2 hours while I've been sitting doing nothing. It's driving me insane so I thought that I would go on here really quick. Anyway, I'm going to get off of my phone now. Wish me luck with this


I have a friend over and she's been on her phone for the past 2 hours while I've been sitting doing nothing. It's driving me insane so I thought that I would go on here really quick. Anyway, I'm going to get off of my phone now. Wish me luck with this

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good luck
update: she just got picked up by her parents without telling me because she felt "sick" and now I'm crying because I'm weak and pathetic
omg I'm so sorry fren that's horrible. that happened to me at my birthday party a few years ago and it sucks. here's some happy cakes to make you happy:🎂🎂🎂🎂
aw no :( what a jerk. and no, you are most definitely not weak or pathetic. you're incredible :)
💙 np
your friend is a jerk jfc she doesn't deserve you i'd glady take her place and hang out with you smh what a bad friend
oh no thats awful that friend needs to fùck right the hèll off, what a rude binch
She sounds like a really bad friend wow. I would gladly hang out with you if I could, hope you feel better soon 💫
hi friend. happy #internetfriendsday ! even though I'm not really on here much more I want to thank you for getting me through some of my worst times and thanks so much for being my friend. I'll never forget you and I hope you have a great day! ❤️❤️lay