Nick: I need a drink


Nick: I need a drink

18 0
Nick:and maybe a few razor blades
not much u
I love guys in vests 馃槏馃槝 //Mitch//
nice hru
I am great
*hugs* //Mitch//
that good to hear
you on?
Spencer: Hey* smiles and waves*
Nick:sup *smiles slightly*
Spencer: How are you?
Nick:tired,what about you
Spencer: good, * blushes and kinda looks down*
Nick:*smiles*you sure?
Spencer: yeah* blushes more*
Spencer: your c-cute*blushes and quickly pulls out an e-cigarette and inhales and blows out vaper *
Nick:*blushes*thanks *lights a cigarette and has a drag* your pretty cute yourself
Spencer:* blushes really hard and takes a drag of my e-cig * r-really?
Nick:yeah *has another drag*
Spencer:* blushes and kisses your check * he-he
Spencer: y-you want to go somewhere more private?*blushes and is arrosed*
Nick:d-definitely *finishes cigarette and puts it out*
Spencer: *outs my e-cig into my pocket and goes into your room motioning for you to follow *
Nick:*smiles slightly and follows*
Spencer:*takes off my Shopify to show that I have well defined abs *
Spencer: you like what you see* pulls off my pants and underwear *
Nick:*mentally drooling* yea *takes off his own clothes*
Spencer:* moves towards you and kisses you hard on the lips*
Nick:*kisses back*
Spencer:*grabs your d卯ck and begins to give you a h脿ndj么b*
Spencer:* goes on my knees and and begins to give you a bl么wj么b*
Nick:*moans louder and pulls on your hair a little*
Spencer:*goes faster*
Nick:*moans your name*
Spencer:*gies faster*
Spencer: *swoallows* I want you d卯ck in me!
Nick:*pushes him to the bed shoves his d寞ck in him and thrusts*
Spencer:* moans*
Nick:*goes faster and deeper grabbing your a拧拧*
Spencer:* moans louder* h-harder!
nick:*smirks an blows some hair out of his face* alright *goes harder*
Spencer:*moans louder*
Nick:*goes harder,deeper and faster*
Nick:*kisses/sucks Spencer's neck while thrusting*
Spencer:*moans and grabs your hand and places it on my d卯ck asking if you could give me a h脿ndj么b*
Nick:*gives a h脿ndj酶b*
Nick:*goes faster and leaves a hicky on his neck*
Spencer:*moans and grabs the bed sheets and grips them*
Nick:*kisses down his stomach going even faster*
( wait is Spencer facing nick?)
( okay) Spencer:* moans and licks nicks n卯pples*
spencer:*moans and goes faster*
( you mean nick right?)Spencer: * moves towards his neck and sucks on it*
(f奴ck yea sorry) Nick:*thrusts in him*
( it鈥檚 fine)Spencer:* Moans louder*
Nick:*thrusts harder*
Spencer:*moans and sucks your neck*
Nick:*moans thrusting harder and faster*
Spencer:*moans and is out of breath and sweating grips you back and kisses you *
Nick:*kisses back trying to catch his breath*
Spencer:* whispers in your ear* C-C没m inside of me!* kisses you with tongue*
Nick:*plays with your tongue thrusts more and harder then c奴ms*
Spencer: * pulls away and lays on the bed and is out of breathe* I love you
Nick:*cacthes his breath*ditto baby
Spencer: * pulls my self up and hands you a passer towel * that was fun!* catches my breath*
Spencer: so I guess we鈥檙e dating now. how old are you?
Nick:I'm 23 and only if ya want
Spencer: why wouldn鈥檛 * licks the c没m off your d卯ck*
Nick:I dunno I'm kinda depressed most the time
Spencer:* swallows the c没m* I would still love you pulls you down into a kiss and plays with your tongue*
Nick:*plays back and smiles* alright
Spencer:*continues to okay with your tongue and grabs at your b没tt*
Spencer:* licks the roof of you mouth and swings you so I鈥檓 on top*
Nick:*grabs your but*
Spencer:* pulls away and lays on you facing the opposite way and sucks your d卯ck*
Nick:heh 69 *sucks your d寞ck*
Spencer: goes faster and deep throughts you*
throats **
Nick:*moans and gets all of his d寞ck in his mouth*
Spencer: *goes faster and thrust my d寞ck into your mouth*
Nick:*moans and runs my tongue around bites slightly*
Spencer:* moans and licks the tip and around the d寞ck*
Nick:*goes deeper*
Spencer:* goes deeper and faster *
( gtg)
Nick:*bites slightly grabs your but and goes deeper sucking*
Spencer:* keeps going and goes deeper and harder and biting slightly* ( back)
Nick:*moans and c奴ms*
Spencer:*swallows and c眉ms too. *
Nick:*grabs your a拧拧 and swallows* god you taste good
Spencer:*blushes so do you lcuddles up next to you pulling the blanket up and resting my head on your chest*
Nick:*smiles blushes and pets his hair*
this is so inappropriate! you are a GREAT friend of mine but what the heck?!
Spencer:*smiles* I love you
Spencer:*falls asleep*
Nick:*cuddles and falls asleep*
Spencer:* has a nightmare and starts to whimper *
Nick:*half awake so pets he's hair and pulls him a little closer* it's okay
Spencer:* whimpers louder and shakes a bit*
Nick:*cuddles him*don't worry I'm here I'll protect you
Spencer:*shakes and keeps whimpering*
Nick:it's just a dream *pets*
Spencer:* screams an bolts up crying *
Nick:hey spencer it's okay your safe now
Spencer:* looks at you and has tears streaming down my face *
Nick:*hugs him* it's okay baby it's okay
Spencer:*hugs back and sobs*
Nick:*rubs his back* your safe now
Spencer:* sobs*
Nick:*holds him tighter*
Spencer: it was so real.* keeps sobbing *
Nick:but it was just a dream,your okay now your safe
Spencer: I k-know* hiccups *
Nick:*kisses his forehead*
Spencer:* has stopped crying *
Nick:do you wanna watch a movie or something or just go back to sleep
Spencer: yes
Nick:alright what
Spencer: how about a horror movie * eyes sparkle*
Nick:didn't you just wake up from a nightmare?
Spencer: yes but its horror
Nick:*chuckles* alright whatever you want my prince
Spencer:* eyes sparkle and pulls out a really scary horror movie that everyone gets scared abou-
-t but not me* he he
Nick:*smiles* should I be worried
Spencer: if you get scared easily then yes. if you don鈥檛, you鈥檒l still get scared!
Nick:sounds fun
Spencer: it鈥檚 super funny
Nick:I thought you said it's really f奴cking scary
Spencer: I do t get scared by theses things. I鈥檓 not normal
Nick:alright well normal is a lie.go ahead and play it if I get scared I'll just cuddle you
Spencer: okieeeeee* puts it in and plays it*
Spencer:* watches intensity *
Nick:*kinda falling asleep*
Spencer:* smacks you lightly * no sleeping
Nick:huh what no I wasn-*yawns*okay I won't
Spencer:* hands you a energy drink *
Nick:thanks *downs it*
Spencer:* keeps watching *
Nick:that's a lot of blood
Spencer: it really
Nick: okay:/
Spencer: I鈥檝e seen more irl
Nick:should I be worried?
Spencer: no my parents were murdered right in front of me when I was 15
Nick: I'm so sorry
Spencer: it鈥檚 fine it鈥檚 not like I didn鈥檛 want to* realizes what i said * f没ck
Nick:you killed your parents?
Spencer: and my brother and my last boyfriend
Nick:alright just don't kill me *hugs him from behind*
Spencer: just don鈥檛 make me angry
Nick:will do *kisses your neck*
Nick:*smiles and kisses/sucks your neck*
Spencer: *giggles more*
Nick:*leaves a hicky then sucks on Spencer's collarbone*
Spencer:* giggles*I love you
Nick:I love you to my prince *gently kisses his lips*
Spencer: I love you too* kisses back
Spencer: your blocking the movie
Nick:*chuckles* sorry prince *moves out of the way*
Spencer: it鈥檚 fine
Nick:*lays his head on yours*
Spencer:* kisses your forehead *
Spencer: I love you
Nick:I love you too
Movie:* jump scares *. spencer:* does nothing but blinks*
Nick:*jumps slightly*mother Fer
Spencer: * laughs* that鈥檚 funny
Nick:there's something wrong with you,but that just makes me like you more
Spencer: I鈥檓 a psychopath
Nick:it's really hot
Spencer: your really hot
Nick:mm not as hot as you *kisses Spencer's neck*
Spencer:* giggles *
movie:*another jump scare*. Nick:holy f奴ck
Nick:* smiles and laughs slightly* God d茫nm it
Spencer: lol
Spencer:*does the same*
Nick:*gets up and goes to the bathroom*
Spencer:g smiles cuz there鈥檚 a spirit in there*
Spencer:* smiles* lol!
Nick:what the g么d d茫nm wh酶re sh茂t?!
oh spencer