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my handsome baby 😍
jai,what is wrong with you,I'm not pregnant with anyone's kid! I'm not pregnant so stop telling lies,I get ur mad at me but lying about me is not gonna make me like anymore,I don't have feelings for u
your lies just ruined my relationship. your drunk and dumb,and stop saying things about me because I have a lot more about you then you know
btw,Dylan,Tyson and Colton won't be talking to anyone on your account no one will talk to anyone on your account, your lying,made up people
bs. jai ur a lying cheating wh re
oh really when we were together you told maddi you loved her and wanted her.
really because your daughter sent them to me when we first dated which was a mistake
dating you was a mistake,since all you do is lie to me! your lying to me right now !
F off summer,no one on this account will talk to anyone on this account anymore
you wanna get in mine I will get in yours
oh well talking to someone more important right now
she needs to know about you jai :)
your a cheater and she should know jai
are you gonna f ck her then leave her too ? pregnant or not ?im sure as h ll not pregnant, but you left maddie pregnant cause ur a áśshole
bs, you will drop her like a toy jai
when you get what you want you will leave her
you treat every girl like a toy,which is wrong
you have played everyone you have ever dated
holy handsomeness 😍😭 -Maddie 💕
I'm a hóê?😂I don't use people, you fùçk a girl then leave her!
you did that to maddi and me🙄you left me right after ,but it doesn't matter your fake!
I don't lie but I'm blocking you
baby remix me as soon as possible, I have to talk to you