Collage by roxypoxy_


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I’ve been so busy :) I’m sorryyy
this is so us ❤️💗
Austin hasn’t come back and I really miss him :(
goodnightttt I love youuuuu in case I forget to tell you ❤️
good afternoon ❤️🤍
i hope you have an amazing day too :) you deserve it
hiii roxy ;)
i start school tomorrow 😂
and austin still hasn’t come back
has yoongi texted you?
hey Roxy :) I’m sorry for not.. being around? Austin not being here crushed me
i just feel lonely a lot :(
thank you roxy :) I guess I just hoped he’d be back
he always does this
how are youuu
I don’t know if he will :(he always leaves
how’s school?? :)
I miss you too :) I’m sorry for disappoint?
hey Roxy? :)
wait sorry this is so random but I was looking at your old comments and, you talk to yoongi now?
i always forget 😂
he doesn’t make you feel bad does he? because if he does-
hey roxyyyyy
finally 🙄 too busy making goo goo eyes at your new mannnn
mhmm you wish you could mess up my lipstick 🙄 🤚🏼