Collage by XxMeulinTheArtistxX


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I know her in real life. She is a rêtàrded freak. She's a dîçk on wheels. I hate her and would kill her in reallife
what did she ever do to you?!
You're a boy who had a crush on her?
girl? sorry?
I'm confused
I'm a boy. And I didlike her
and she didn't return the feelings?
She didn't
Listen to me, please; I understand how you must feel. I can't relate, seeing I'm in a relationship myself at the moment. but I just want to tell you that just because she didn't return feelings for you doesn't mean you should hold a life long grudge to kill her. it's just not right. acting like this shows she was (no offense) right to dislike you. being a huge hater isn't going to make her love you. it'll just give her more than enough reasons to hate you more. my advice is to stop now before this gets out of hand. it kinda already is, but before it gets worse than now
I'm sorry
are you?
it seems you are :)
I'm glad I was able to help you. please make amends and stop your hate for me.
for me, Cujo, and RFF