Umi ruins KotoHono by being stupid, she should just be a third wheeler like Dia and You in their relationships, she came in and ruined KOTOHONO WHEN THEY WERE CHILDREN!!!!!


Umi ruins KotoHono by being stupid, she should just be a third wheeler like Dia and You in their relationships, she came in and ruined KOTOHONO WHEN THEY WERE CHILDREN!!!!!

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I honestly don't ship KotoHono, but I respect it, I can see why people ship it, but I'm team KotoUmi XD
kotoumi 4 life
eh, if I haaaad to choose I guess I would go KotoHono, but I really think they are all better as friends...XD
Umi's not stupid. She just wanted friends. I'd rather ship KotoHono and KotoUmi than HonoUmi TBH.
Idk who you areπŸ˜‚ But Cherry was talking about you the other day
YOROSHIKU NEGAISHIMASU! Watashi am Ivy and this is my account I share with my best bitc Dee!
She came back a while ago:) Her favorites Kotori! Just like that one guy that Dee kissed!
Hi Ivy... Oh yeah.. I LOVE HonoKoto too. There my OTPπŸ‘Œ
Uh... Thanks;) I love KotoHonk