I just wanted to say ik you don know these ppl but here me out, these are my friends that i have known since elementary, they have stuck with my crazyest times, times where i have broke down and even they stick with me when im fangirling. So i ask you thi


I just wanted to say ik you don know these ppl but here me out, these are my friends that i have known since elementary, they have stuck with my crazyest times, times where i have broke down and even they stick with me when im fangirling. So i ask you thi

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caption: I just wanted to say ik you don know these ppl but here me out, these are my friends that i have known since elementary, they have stuck with my crazyest times, times where i have broke down and even they stick with me when im fangirling. So i ask you this, tell your best friend that you love them today tell them that the mean to world to you weather you show it or not because they deserve it.❤️
I will when I am not crying