are you guys even capable of replying or reading? im so tired of people liking my posts and not replying when I ask for a reply. why cant anyone take 30 seconds to leave a reply?


are you guys even capable of replying or reading? im so tired of people liking my posts and not replying when I ask for a reply. why cant anyone take 30 seconds to leave a reply?

8 4
maybe some ppl jusy dont want to reply. you dont need to get mad...
Does it really matter if ppl don't reply?
yeah it does, because i make these collages for a reason, so that people can take them in and appreciate them. I specifically say not to like some collages just to see if people actually read stuff but people still like that collage, which means that people dont actually read stuff and im basically doing this for no reason and i might as well not put the effort into my collages.
you do realize this is a simple app where you post pictures and there is actual life outside of this but you're worrying about who replies 😂
I read every post