Leave me alone


Leave me alone

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I never did anything but who did
just don't talk to me
dragon your amazing don't listen to haters. And if you want to be alone I think everyone should respect that I'm just saying don't let people get to you
guys. I'm not trying to be rude but just go. plz. we're both so upset rn
ok I hope everything is okay I'm sorry if I was bugging you
I'm sorry to if I did it
no not you guys
what's wrong☹️☹️
just plz don't talk to me plz😥😥😥
guys. enough is enough for one night. plz just let him be
Elle and Dragon I'm glad I'm not important like you guys, I don't know if I could handle it. But don't let haters get to you. Do what you do best. Dragon you like music, so listen to your music and let it take you away, Elle you make amazing collages, take out all your stress by making a bunch of collages and don't post the. if yo want. Just block the world out.
I know how to deal with haters cause I was bullied
I posted it
how old are you??
old enough
ohh! ur not that much older than me (I believe u now)! I'm 13 turning 14 on Sunday💙🤗
omg...I just realized u have a girlfriend😭! I'm sorry! if u still wanna come with me to the fandom prom, that's great! please lmk
I just gave you a shoutout and cleared things up
are you dating Ella-grace? just curious
u totally deserve her🤑💙!! sorry I interfered but I hope we can still be friends??
we can
ok great:)!
don't even think abt it
hey! you are invited to my party December 12th, and lmk where you live so I can give you the time😋