My schools superintendent just sent out an email about this to the parents of the students. This makes me mad. People should be concerned, even if there's not a show about it


My schools superintendent just sent out an email about this to the parents of the students. This makes me mad. People should be concerned, even if there's not a show about it

19 0
ikr,like,yes 13RW is important and shît but like,suicide has always existed and no one gave a fûčk about it until the show was released
hey Alex! you sound like a high quality person already omg
ikr I've never even watched it and I've been giving advice (cause a friend of mine has been talking about commiting suicide) and my friends are like "lol 13 reasons why changed everyone" and it's kinda like ://
people at my school have made 13 Reasons Why a huge joke. for example, if someone is considered on of the "emô" kids they call them "Hańnah Bàker." another example is everyone keeps telling each other to "kïlł yourself" or "slît your wrîsts in a bathtub, Hańnah." it's just pure and utter búlłshît. like it needs to stop. (also hàte that it won't let me post this without censoring every word).
^took me at least 5 minutes to go and censor every "bad word." it was like "can not send" or whatever it says. seriously PC just let us post.