A collage in French! Check comments in case this gets cut off. Inspired by my friends irl @stardustrabbitsandflowers and @MushroomCup01! It’s a quote by Coco Chanel btw I’m not THAT good at French😂😂 lol! I just copied the quote from the internet. Congrats


A collage in French! Check comments in case this gets cut off. Inspired by my friends irl @stardustrabbitsandflowers and @MushroomCup01! It’s a quote by Coco Chanel btw I’m not THAT good at French😂😂 lol! I just copied the quote from the internet. Congrats

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continued from caption: Congrats to any multilinguals out there!🎉 lol also BIG NEWS @dreamcatcher4ever is BACK!!!!!! So is @kangbeth4ever!!!!!! Although she has a new account @stardustandrabbitsandflowers. Also! An account which I co-own is hosting a contest! Check @MarshmallowQueens for more details. Thanks guys!
ooh prettyyy ✨
YASS so many people are backkk!! I’m taking French this year but I still don’t understand what this collage says.😂😂
☀️Positivity Thing:☀️ Ok so this week I had a bit of an embarrassing moment!😂 So I was speaking in a debate against another school and I was really tired and nervous so my brain kinda shut down and I kept have mental blanks - I couldn’t think straight. I was frozen, searching for the correct cue cards in front of about 10 audience members many of which I didn’t know. Then I accidentally dropped a few cue cards on the floor😳🙈 You’re probably thinking: What is wrong with you Nat how is this positive?😂 Well, it’s kinda funny looking back on it now but more importantly, I learned a lesson! Put your cue cards in order, kids😂 So if you have an embarrassing moment too, see if there’s a lesson in it! Hopefully this helps guys. Have a great day!💕
WOWOOOWOWOWOOWWOWOWWWWWWWWWWW! I am STUNNED and so thrilled that you would make a collage inspired by me! We should start working on our collab btw! I am constantly inspired by you Nat, I was ABSOLUTELY THE PROUDEST FRIEND EVER at debating the other day! You were really amazing and I’m so glad that you could see the flip side of it! I can’t wait to see what you create next and I’m so blessed and very happy to have such a wonderful friend like you, even if you DO ship Frayla! Love ya bestie 1/6! 😂 xoxo Pie
yaaass that’s french!!😄 (i’m french) and btw this is beautiful💗
this is gorgeous 💓I don’t have a clue what this says but it’s truly beautiful!! Hope debating went alright it happens to us all.
yay! debating is so fun! 💜I'm so glad you won! good luck for the finals I know you'll win! just remember to put your cue cars in order😂😂
6660 followers! Will you spot when you’re on 6666? 🤔
*ALERT! SELF ADVERTISING AHEAD!* So sorry! it’s @kittylovelauren here, and I wanted to tell ya to check out my new account, @-PC-Tips- ✌️ it’s pretty cool 😎😂💓
can you follow me please!
can you follow me please!
can you follow me please!
can you follow me please!
can you follow me please!
hey y’all, thanks so much for the mention Nat!
btw, incase y’all wanted to know what it means, the quote means: I don’t regret anything in my life, with the exception of what I didn’t do
(I’m frenchie) 😂
do you have a cat? love your account by the way! (this is @sakuracat )
Thank you Tash! You’re always such a constant support to me and I really appreciate it! Can’t wait to see what’s next! xx
np! thanks!!
thanks Nat!! This collage is beautiful and I hope debating went well💓💓
oooh, that’s nice! I really want a cat but I’ve got allergies to some stuff( not particularly cats, but maybe animals that leave fur behind) so I can’t get one😕 you should join the Squad 😂
It is very good !! (I am French but I speak a little English ) Again please !! 🤗
what does it mean ?
so creative
ok that sounds cool, at first I was wondering what it meant but then I saw that it was French and someone else commented what it meant, thank you 😊
this reminds me of my trip to France!
totally in France style