


10 1
do you mean like here?
I thought you meant my first collage on this account 😂😂
how do u do a moving icon?
I did
okay, do you mind if I use someone else's tutorial that helped me? Well it didn't, but it's the way I did it.
I don't
I don't mind
okay 😋
so what I do
people say you NEED a laptop/computer but you DON'T!!
thank you! I Hope this doesn't bother you, (you don't have to answer) but why did you do that?
and another question (ya don't have to answer) who are you? cause I'll follow you for being honest.
soz not gonna answer
okay, but why did you do that? But thank you for being honest. 😄
because it didn't work
I will change the password if you give me the password to your account I won't change anything I might post about 3 thing then leave promis
k.if ya tell me your main.
your first