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Victoria I am sorry I was never on, I was busy with school work. I hope we can at least be friends
okayy *cries and hugs you*
*Hugs you back*
i just told your daughter something *cries* you might want to ask her what i said
I am sorry about saying you weren't her mom, I just didn't want to confuse her if I get a knew girlfriend.
That's the only reason I said that, but the only girl I truly want is you.
😭ughhh i messed up
Everyone messes up
not as bad as i have
Someone I care about messed up worse. We both messed up.
wym messed up worse? and okay i really just want you back...you probably wouldnt even take me back now...
Yes I will, and I mean he almost killed himself last night
okay and ohh ive thought about it a lot since i left you
Please never kill yourself, if you do I will die with you.
no 😔
I can't live without you, I want you and Mini me back
well im single soo
Please the my girlfriend again! I want you to be mine again, and I want mini me!
okay *smiles through the tears*
take that one collage down please lol
I will, or I could make a knew one
and I know you loved your boyfriend, I feel terrible for taking you away from him
okay and its fine i want to work things put with you...i love you just as much
dont feel bad please
*Smiles* I will be on more for you, Shawn, and Nikki
okayyy please promise me that...
I promise
ughhhh i cant take this *grabs a knife* why do i hurt so many people...im happy with you
Don't you dare.
*puts it down* can everything be normal now please??? thats all i want
Of course it can baby
okay *puts shawn in his crib and whispers* i need some time with daddy
*Smiles* I missed you
i missed you too *kisses you*
*Kisses you back*
Now what baby girl
*bites my lip bc you called me baby girl* idk
*Smiles* You are mine again!
yes i am babe *smiles*
I'm back! Remix our latest collage!
okay babe
get him to stop