My world forever I love you baby


My world forever I love you baby

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yes baby it's true all true
good morning baby
how's my baby today
that's good sweetie
r u happier with me in your life
cuz I'm happier since u entered my life
it's true babe
thnx baby
thnx baby.
u make me happy
good baby
why'd baby
I ment wyd baby
oh ok from what ?
ok good baby
ur all I can ask for
just stay with me plz
it's ok baby
yeah I forgive u baby
it's all good your all I can ask for baby
wyd baby
cool baby
I'd let you too baby
bc I'd let u cuddle with me and fall asleep on me
your just that amazing
yes babe
u know I always think ur hot
yes bc I had a crush on u
yes baby
i was afraid to baby
why babe
oh snap
if I knew that I would of married u already
I love u baby
r u happy to be with me
night baby love ya ❤️❤️❤️
good baby box so am I with u
wyd baby
ooh that's hot baby
yes baby
when r u moving to Massachusetts baby
I want to know baby please promise me you will move to Massachusetts
unless u picked me up baby then I could live with u
you wanna do that instead baby ?
ok sweetheart I can't wait for that day u pick me up to be with u forever
Ill be the happiest man alive and the luckiest to
can't wait to spend the rest of my life with u baby
it's the best thing ever that's happened to me
ik I hope u feel the same baby
good baby
I'm happy having u
good baby
ik I do baby
good bc when you pick me up I'll be on you and in u when I get u wet baby