Yo there's a RedBubble 20% sale today only so yeet
God I feel like a dirty businessman now ahhh sorry


Yo there's a RedBubble 20% sale today only so yeet God I feel like a dirty businessman now ahhh sorry

19 2
I wrote more
also Stoliver is now the official ship name for Stacy and Oliver
sort of
they're taptoeing around it
meanwhile Ollie is yelling at them to just kiss
also they're all like 13 so don't worry they'll probably be girlfriends by high school or even earlier
also what should Callie and Paisley's ship name be
but meta wise, they started off as friends but the gayness grew
^ oh god I want that on a shirt
also what do you think of Stacy?
I might write more
what should I write?
stranger things is my lifu too❤️❤️
I wrote something but it's a bit harsh towards Paisley
also wow I think this is the angstiest I've ever written while still being good
" I'm your sleep" ?
I Love it too! also hamiltrash unite!!!
would you be interested in joining the " kick lucille's aśs " club?
also what did you think of it?
also yeah I wanted to do more with Cathy but couldn't really come up with anything