I just finished watching them all. What are your thoughts?


I just finished watching them all. What are your thoughts?

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noragami was good for me
I've seen all 3 and they're all amazing (to me)
I've seen the first but not the other 2 bottom.
ok now I have seen the one top and bottom but not middle and I actually liked both and soon I will start the next series of Noragami
I think SAOs pretty good
I too have watched these
yass blue exorcist I'm only on episode 3 but I'll start it up again soon
I actually watched Blue exorcist and Noragami ages ago. my thoughts on them were great. I wish they went on for longer though.
I'm about to start Noragami season 2
Noragami I had finished but it's a cool show
u should watch noragami arogoto the 2nd Slașoma