You will not regret it. Trust me✨


You will not regret it. Trust me✨

153 0
I read the first book but I don't know whether to bother reading the rest
should I???
What is the title of the other two books?
Thank you, I will read all of them!💙💦😋
Thank You and no problem💞💐
I was wondering...I am CollageBird's new acc and in the very RARE chance that I win your contest (I like to think positively) please give the prizes to this acc
TYSM!! 💕 plz count the heart one,cuz the Taylor one had the glitch And i couldnt remake it 😩
on my contest entry i got inspired on @nefari0us,but i think she thinks i copied her,i told her that we did similar collages,lol,but she commented "COMPLETELY a coincidence 😒"
OMG I love your collages, there amazing !!!! and by the way I'm new and I would really like it for someone that's really talented like you to come and give an honest opinion on my collages to see what I need to do to make it like your account because ITS AMAZING.
by the way I read this book and o really liked it to
You might go to China? That sounds awesome, I've been wanting to go there for so long (I'm even taking classes).
I'm sooooo sorry about not finishing our collab.... I'm on it right now
I can't find it... plz could you send it again? Lol thx x
oh.. now I get it. sorry
do more book reviews! they are super helpful!!
can u pls follow me?