NO peeking! Please! Stop right there and hop on to the next post~


NO peeking! Please! Stop right there and hop on to the next post~

17 14
heyyy!finally! I made the chatpage
sorry it’s not as pretty
do u wanna do text or background? I think you should do background since mine’s is horrible
we could do two collabs if you want btw!!! one you do text and one I do?
and the theme is totally gonna be preppy/peachy beach!
yeah okay I’ll do bg your text is great anyway so that works too
anytime btw, you deserve it!
duh 🏖️
okay so excited w this one!
you can go start the bg?
yeah I’ll do it now and let you know when I’m done
nearly done the bg. do you wanna do our usernames or should I?
also do you want be to do the overlays or me? xx
heyyy Bria sorry I have been off :(
okayyy I am so excited to see it!!,
yep definitely names on it well you should do it since then it will be faster???
and I can do the overlays + filters and just tell me if you want to add anything new afterwards ;)
ps: do you have specific fonts you want me to use? or colors? and should I use Phonto to do it or PicCollage?
xx lol forward to hear from youuu💕
No probs Dora, I have been too!
aww tysm for understanding!!!
yeah okay I’ll add them now, I don’t know about the bg, it’s….. I’m never satisfied with my collages though so…
Yoruba collages are amazing wdym!
send me it rn!!! I will tell you how beautiful it is ;)
please don’t worry! your great! your collages are too!💕
okay I’ll let you know! Use whatever fonts you want, your text always looks amazing, how do you get it so good?
aww tysm briaaa! your the sweetest 🥹
ig I just keep practicing and always look for inspo!!! add some symbols and doodles, they’ll look great like urs!
I started off w really bad collages and now I look back @them and it’s pretty silly 🙃 but a memory
awww thanks you’re such a sweet person!
I remixed the bg 😬
I’m so lucky to have met you Dora! 💕
What do you think? 😅
ahhh ofc! this means so much btw!!!😭🥹
aww lucky I met you too Bria! you are one of the nicest people I’ve met here! no kidding😌☺️
I will do the text tomorrow sorry :(
tysm Dora!
wait so does that mean you are doing the text today now???
yesss, need your sleep, lol 😂
I may or may not have just woken up 🤣
just let me know when you’re done
aww ofc briaaaaa
yep did it like-5 minutes ago lolll
yassss totally: sleeeeeeep😇
lolll you totally did not, nowwww 🤭
oki sorry for the delay
ummmm okay!
so are we doing a double collab now??
honestly it’s fine about the delay…. I understand!! xx
is there anything you can do about your remix problem because… I don’t know… the bg looks a little off with the sides cut out.
both the texts are great btw, I think I like the second one better but I love the rainbow filter on the first. Is there possibly a way that you could add the filter to the second one?
sorry for all the questions 😂
heyy ya is that okay?
the double collab?
and aww thanks!
ya it’s so weird :/
I remixed it again using a different device would that help? and added the rainbow pig
np at all! 💕
yesss! that looks great!
okay double collab it is then!
so do you want me to do the other bg as well or will we change things up?
talk tomorrow anyway, I’m heading to bed!
ahh yayyy
yup hooray 😁
I seriously don’t mind, but my bgs are rotten just to let you know 😂
wait soo are you up now?
or are you still sleeping???
lol so weird
noooooo I’m up now lol 😂
Dora!!!! All your collages are great. I can do it though if you want?
butttttt for the bg, it’s the same aesthetic right??? and similar layout? Sorry I’ve never done a double collage before…🤣
ooh your up lol 😝
Briaaa! tysm! ur the sweetest! I can do either
ya same aesthetic and similar layout I think, but we can do different ones I don’t mind ;)
and ofc! I have ‘t done many too💕
ohhh I like it! I also started working on one with a similar colour palette to our first one but I don’t know, do you want me to remix it or I can just use it myself and we can use yours. whatever works best! xx
aww tysm! well you can remix it and we can see which one we like more? cuz I can use this one myself too (I’ve never used these bgs)
okay I’ll do it now!
well when I can because my remixing doesn’t work sometimes 😞
okay I did it!
aww thanks Bria
yep me too, it’s pretty frustrating cuz sometimes I need to enter contests and…
yay 😀
well seriously??? your background is like….wayy better than mine
okay so will we use mine then?
btw I’m just going to add our usernames to the bg
ikr it’s super frustrating!
updated the bg!!!
yup let’s use urs!
sorry I didn’t:r check
love it!
gtg doing the text prob tomorrow sorry
okay let me know when you’re done!
all good Dora don’t stress yourself!
oki tysm bria
and ahh thanks your the best😭
yep I am doing the text rn sorry but might be done tonight….
Heyy I finished the text (finally)
but I have the remix problem again 😥
and the collage is like-cutter in half or smth
ahhh it’s driving me crazyyyy
lemme see if I can remix it on your post then :/
nah not working, still cutted out
love it!
ugh this problem is sooo frustrating!!! 😤😤
can you maybe remix it on a different device like last time? 🥺
I’m okay, just a bit stressed rn! I’m thinking of taking a break from social media.
ahhh I love this collabs! we work well together!
aww thanks Bria!
ya ikr sorry to reply so late but I know have my phone so cheers lol
yup I am doing that now😉
ahhh that’s sad Bria, but I totally understand what you mean, I don’t really want to post more (that’s why I post less now) and I get you
but I‘ll miss you tho, even tho we didn’t know each other for a long time, but you definitely are one of my closest friends here xx 😇❤️✌️
okay! I think we should apply the rainbow filter to the second one too so they match and maybe add the overlays from the second to the first? Just a suggestion to make them match more.
yep oh gosh I love our collabs too!!! and yep I can’t agree more!
yep sure! could you add them?
I don’t have them saved on my phone lol
but the rainbow filter is already in the collage? nvm you can add them
Oh sorry you were typing as I was typing so I didnt see some of those messages!
thanks for understanding!
yeah you are one of my closest friends too! I’ll definitely be back tho don’t stress 🤣
lol ofc sorry I didn’t see them too😂😂
yeah sure I’ll add them!
and sure! I might take a break too w you…
and aw thanks that’s so sweet of you Bria!
and glad to hear—sorry it’s just that so many of my closest friends left….😭
and yeah I saw that it was there but I might do a bigger one as well if that’s okay?
Awww Dora that’s sad! I’m here tho, for a bit at least! xx
ok thanks Bria! btw could you add the rainbow in a top left/right corner? cuz I used the. filter on the text too so I wanted to make sure they don’t mix
what bigger one? sorry I didn’t get that
okay I’m gonna actually do it now otherwise I’ll be chatting all night 😂
and…thanks bri😔 it’s good to know ig 😭😀
bigger rainbow filter in the corner 🤣
lol yass 😂😂😂
and ooh got it sorry 😂😂😂
and when you added it we could post the two collages??
yeah let’s!
okay! btw do you want to add the white filter and sparkles on the first collage too?
yeah I did
so they’re both done now!
sorry I didn’t see
yep sure
just gotta make sure we get the right ones! 😂
if you’re not sure which ones they are just go to my account and look at my responses, the most recent two
btw I love your icon, looks familiar 😂
aww thanks! and yasss
and ooh I was going to tell you but forgot, I used and zoomed in a tumblr girl from our post lol😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
yeah I noticed 🤣🤣
hahaha lol 😝
cuz I thought that pfp wasn’t my style so changed one but I got too lazy to find another tumblr girl so just zoomed in a collage I find
I miss you! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭