😅press if u are the best collager😂

?What do u guys think of these edits should I do more or stick with my usual?


😅press if u are the best collager😂 ?What do u guys think of these edits should I do more or stick with my usual?

91 0
This is nice! Maybe do rite when you have the time or one day and edit and another day your usual
I like all your edits:1)
thank you!!😉 but my collages aren't nearly as good as yours
contest coming soon!
This is amaaaaaaazing! xxx
Of course, I'll probably have it set up by this afternoon (student free day today)! xxx
sorry could we do the collage swap later? I'm sick right now and I'm too lazy to post😂but you can pick out a recent collage of mine and post it. I'll pick one of yours later. also, I'm going to make the fanpage now 😘
omg u look so young!!!! but that's gonna be a good thing when ur like 40 cuz then you'll look younger, which is what people want!!!
it is fine u used the same quote as someone else
* lunaphotography now, actually. PC wouldn't let me log back into luna_photography + it wouldn't let me reset my password for it so I've made a new one!
Thank You!💕
thanks for thé spam