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This quote is so inspirational, really well thought out πŸ™„πŸ˜†


Click Here! This quote is so inspirational, really well thought out πŸ™„πŸ˜†

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πŸ˜‚I love this collageπŸ˜‚
oh btw this is equal_rights_for_all_
you're so desperate to make me frustrated.
you're so desperate, you have to use that for every remark you say
Seriously you overuse a lot of remarks and comebacks, I got what you said the first time, I don't need to hear it 10 more times
And this is a waste of time.. Lol honey I'm sorry I don't want to be rude or coming into a convo that isn't mine but hating on each other really is just draining. I've had an "arch enemy" for four years and nothing's changed. If historians and philosophers and theologians alike cannot come to a conclusion on things, then why should we? We should just promote our beliefs and help those who want to hear what we have to say, and educate ourselves on other's beliefs.
your account is my favorite one on pc
Thank you so much πŸ˜†πŸ˜Š *virtual hug*
πŸ˜† Thanks
I love ur account
slay bb slay