Chatpage for me and jibootyhwaiting


Chatpage for me and jibootyhwaiting

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guuuurl that's perfectly fine
If u think that's gonna change anything, not for a heartbeat it won't
Nawwwwwww is that why people were being mean to you? because that's stupid 😠
Ugh makes me mad. bulling makes me mad. bleeeh any time I see people being rude to other people it bothers me
(made a chat page on mine so my last edit isn’t drowning in comments 😂)
karate chop all of them into oblivion
I’m pansexual so I don’t care if you’re gay and I totally support 🏳️‍🌈
if anyone starts bullying you even more they gonna have to go thru me first 👊
lol it means that I like anyone no matter what gender they are
I’m a nobody at my school so I’ve never really been bullied
I mean I have a little bit but not a lot
oh whoopsssss, this was a chat page.... sorry 😂😂😂😂 i didnt know earlier 😂😂
basically I’m bi but if someone identifies as non binary (not a boy or a girl) then I can like them too
^^^ Yes Haruu supportttttt
lol I don’t really stand out at school and I’d rather it be that way cuz I don’t need any more drama in my life 😭
awww its all warm and fuzzy thank youuu
do you need a hug too?
cuz I’m open for fluffy hugs
*send extra fluffy hug*
you can rant all u want if you want to cuz I just love listening to a good rant.
well you’re in luck cuz I give the best virtual extra fluffy hugs
I am tooooo
Pc keeps crashing sometimes so it’s quite annoying
also... *cough* I gotta go to bed soon here idk where u live and if ur in a different time zone but it’s late and I gotta be up tomorrow 😴 ugh but I do have to tell u something
I GOT CONTACTS TODAY. so it’s really crazy for me to get contacts because I’ve worn glasses ever since I was four or five years old. I don’t really like them it’s just strange to me and I thought I would share it with u
*cough* *cough* yeah it’s 11:24 rn but I suck at staying up late so 😂 I’m nearly falling asleep aaaAhh
whoa I’ve never done a face reveal but I may
I’ll remix some pictures I suppose (and then delete them after you see them cuz I don’t know when I’m gonna let people see my face
aww 😂 chimchim would eat you too ♥︎
Virginia what state do you live in?
hmm actually I’m more north east
(I had to look up a picture of Virginia to see where I was 😂
) omg I keep forgetting to put the end parentheses
omg thatd be so cool. meeting an online friend in real life
maybe my parents would be really weirded out tho. “why is my daughter hugging this random stranger...”
but I would be so happy omg
also I saw that it looks like u do dance
and when I first saw that I was like “yoooooo I do dance toooo”
lol it’s just a local studio I’m not with an official company although I did compete for a couple years
I went to those big dance events like tremaine & dance makers
dunno if u know what those are
I competed for musical theater
and I did Irish dance for several years under a different studio and I got to go to nationals for that (that was the only thing I was good at. I kinda suck at ballet now..)
rhythm/kinetic dance sounds cool though
I’m guessing it’s very flowy?
I used to do all types of dance: tap, jazz, musical theater, ballet, modern (guessing is kinda like rhythm), and Irish but I quit most of them and now just do ballet (I’ve done ballet since I was 3)
oooooo classy *lowers sunglasses*
I had a lot of homework and just couldn’t spend all that time dancing
ooooo gurl good luck 🍀 middle school is full of awkward changes but just keep ur friends close and you’ll get through okay
you’ll be fine 6th grade is pretty simple and you’re probably way cooler than I was in 6th grade cuz I didn’t know about kpop and so I would watch anime and I was reaaaally cringey (not as bad as those cringe compilations on YouTube though)
okay* 😂
ahhhh guess your school system is a little different
I think I’m gonna head to bed for tonight though. I’ll see if we can chat tomorrow because that’d be cool
Hiii 👋 I was at the movies I went and saw mamma Mia. it was okay 🤷‍♀️