Collage by Ebull1nce


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soo what did we say that we’re doing?
i usually drink beer but i’ll drink anything x are you trying to get me drunk, miss? 😗
sounds like a plan to me, love. my place or yours?
*grabs my keys off the counter, twirling them around my finger while admiring you. shakes my head a bit while looking at you with a smile* i can drive us if that’s alright? *uses my other hand to glide my fingers through my hair before putting it into my pocket. holds my keys with the other hand*
*walks to the front door with you. opens it and stands aside for you to walk through first* ladies first *grins lightly while watching you walk through the door. walks out after you then locks the door behind us. uses my keys to unlock the door before walking to the passengers side, opening that door for you*
either a comedy or a scary movie *gets into the car. presses start before pulling out of the driveway. plays some music while i drive* i like all kinds of movies, honestly. even action. i usually rewatch American assassin at least once a month *glances at you with a smile before looking back at the road*
*nods before glancing back at you* alright. i picked the genre now you pick the movie *chuckles softly before emphasizing* a scary movie *winks at you before looking back to the road. drives for a little while longer before we arrive*
great idea *nods in agreement before pulling into the driveway. parks then turns off the car. looks over at you with a soft smile* this’ll be funn *gets out of my car before hurrying over to your side to open your door*
*grabs your hand as i walk up to your front door. waits for you to unlock it. admires you for a moment before smiling to myself*
*walks in. looks around a bit as i smile* it smells good *walks into your living room area. sets my keys down on the coffee table before sitting down on the couch. watches you clean up a bit with a small chuckle*
ohh yes *looks over to you* only if you want to *grins a bit while studying your movements* want some help, darling? *gets up off the couch. walks over the kitchen where you are. leans up against the counter to look at you better*
*rubs my lips together a bit while watching you. scrunches my brows while i think* hmm. anything, really. i usually just drink old fashioned or beer. but i’ll drink whatever you have *pushes myself off of the counter. slips my hands into my pockets while i keep my eyes on you*
hahaha little snoop
i don’t mind x
i deleted it so maybe she won’t see
it’s her personal comment hahaaa
*shrugs a bit when i see you bring the beer out. jokingly says* it’ll do *smiles softly while looking at you* what are you gonna drink?
*laughs, leaning my head back a bit* you’re silly. an old fashioned is a mixed whiskey drink, not wine *grins before looking back to you* but yes, sure. let me have some of this wine you like to call old fashioned *watches you pour them with a big smile smeared on my face*
*chuckles lightly before picking up the glass. takes a sip before nodding* okay this is pretty good *smiles at you before taking another sip*
*laughs a bit, shaking my head* rolling over the carpet is crazyyy *taps my glass against yours* let’s go to the couch now, hm?
i couldn’t imagine you that way *chuxkles lightly before making myself comfortable on the couch. takes another sip of the wine before setting my glass down on the coffee table* so, beautiful girl. tell me a bit about yourself. all i really know is your name *looks around a bit* and where you live
did she take it well at least? x
*shrugs a bit as i think* favorite color? any dogs? any siblings? *smiles softly at you while running my fingers through my hair, leaning back against the couch*
*nods while listening to you* yes that is quite the age gap. also, i’ve never actually seen a doberman in person *shakes my head* never seen a dog that big *picks my glass up to take another sip* i can say, i do like learning more about you. your personal life
well now it’s your turn to ask the questions *places the wine back down on the table. grabs your blanket, taking some of it to drape across my legs. places my arm on the top of the couch, leaning my head against my hand while i wait*
*keeps my head leaned up against my hand. looks up a bit as i think* mm.. no siblings. i grew up w my nan because my parents died when i was young. my favorite color is red. i use to live w roommates but i live by myself now. no animals, just too much of a commitment. *shrugs a bit as i think some more* i think i already told you this but i’m a civil engineer, i went to school for too many years. i love to cook and of course, to eat. i’m all out of thoughts about myself *smiles small as i look at you*
thank you darling x *smiles softly while admiring your features* definitely breakfast foods. or steaks *watches you twirl your hair with a small grin* breakfast for dinner for sure *slides my hands into my lap, under the blanket* now, what about this movie?
*nods small* yes, of course. i can’t say that i’ve ever fully watches the whole movie so this’ll be interesting for me *smiles as i look for the remote, going to hand it to you*
only if i can watch *watches your movements as i grin. shaking my head after a few seconds* i’m joking. yes, of course that’s alright *smiles softly while looking at you. picks my glass up, finishing it off*
i’ll pour us some more while you change, hm? *stands up, gently taking the glass from your hand, my other hand holding my glass. winks at you before walking into your kitchen. sets the glasses on the counter before grabbing the bottle*
*pours both of our glasses half way full. walks back to the couch with our glasses in my hand. sets them both down on the coffee table as i wait for your return*
*nudges you gently with a small smile* about time *gets myself back comfortable before grabbing my glass off of the table. takes a sip before turning my attention to the tv*
*laughs softly* it’s alright, darling *wraps one of my arms around you while my other hand still holds my glass. continues to sip on it while i watch the movie*
*rubs my fingertips up and down your arm slowly while keeping my gaze on the tv*
*finishes my glass soon after you. places it down beside your empty glass. continues rubbing your arm, chuckling as you jump. glances at you* baby *nudges you gently with a smile*
do you like this,, said nickname ? *places my arm back on the top of the couch, laying my head on my hand. admires your features as i say softly* i quite like this movie *grins while looking over your face, shrugging a bit*
*runs my fingers through my hair before laying my head back against my hand* yes ma’am *smiles softly while watching you pour the glasses. once you finish pouring them, i pick mine back up. takes a big gulp*
not as good as whiskey *chuckles lightly before taking a sip. turns my attention from you back to the movie*
*slides my hand onto your face, gently placing a small kiss to your forehead* of course, baby *smiles softly as i mumble that against your forehead. places the hand of the arm your hugging onto your thigh before turning my attention back to the movie. lays my head on top of yours*
*wraps my arms around you, gently pulling you on top of me. moves my arms down to your waist, wrapping them around you. rubs your back softly before laying down on the couch with you still on me* much more comfortable
i’m sorry:)) i was at the gymmm x
*places one of my hands on the small of your back while the other traces around your shoulder* you’re beautiful, kinley. i definitely love my new nickname
mmm *playfully pretends to think for a moment before answering* loads of them *chuckles lightly* i’m joking. just the prettiest girl *smiles softly while looking into your eyes, gently rubbing on your back*
you should be *tickles your sides for a moment before resting my hands on the small of your back* how was your day, darling?
it was really good *nods my head a bit as i smile at you. slides my wallet into my pocket* how was your day?
*walks outside with you. looks around a bit, enjoying the fresh air before walking over to your car* wonderful idea
*shrugs a bit as i’m sitting in the car. buckles myself up and looks over at you* i really don’t mind anything. i love chicken wings, though. maybe somewhere that has bar food? bar and grill kind of place
*folds my hands into my lap, looking out the window as i admire the sky. looks around outside for a little while longer before looking around your car* you’ve got a nice car, kinley x
*nods gently while i listen to you speak. looks back out the window, counting the cars we pass*
i didn’t know if you were ready yet x
ohhh i like the sound of that
i’ll do it at the right time of course
make it special☝️
that’s crazy because i feel the exact same way. i like you too x i always look for when you text and love to see what you’ve got to say. i also don’t really know where i stand relationship wise but i’m willing to wait around and find out with you
i don’t know why everyone thinks i have a flirtatious personality 😩😩. i only flirt w you
i promise i wasn’t x only you :) everyone else is strictly a friend
i wonder whoooo said that
i’m sure i could guess
i want to say mean things but i’ll hold my tongue :) that’s good to hear, though. makes me smile
how’s your night been?