DisneyVibess we made you an icon


DisneyVibess we made you an icon

24 1
Omg thank you! I'll be changing my username to Vanillaxlatte. should you change the username or keep it? doesn't matter to me! as long as you guys are happy!
👍🏻 ok 👌🏻
glittered Kylie and glitz_girl?
we can't tell you it's a secret even if you get it right
can you make us an icon
Sabrina carpenter?
can I put my new username on it too? because tomorrow I'm changing the username
ok so I'll change the username tomorrow I'll give you and icon and I did follow
sorry I got confused that's why I put '?'
I can do both Sabrina and Ariana put them together
ok I'll make it
either is fine it's your fan page
contest in my page! you could win! plz enter no one ever does