Hope this helped😊


Hope this helped😊

15 2
thx this really helped❤️
No problem, I am glad to help! Good luck in Middle School this year❤️
Answe to the question of the day: No I never gotten caught with my phone. I agree with you idk why people sneak there phone and risk getting it taken away, just keep it in your locker💁🏼
Thanks for answering the question of the day! And I am glad someone agrees with me❤️good luck in Middle School this year!
my answer is: no I have not. I keep mine in my back pack and don't ever really take it out because I know I will probably get caught and get it taken away (at my school one of the teachers has a June box and if she takes it and puts in there you don't get back till June)
That would stink losing your phone till June! Good luck in Middle School this year❤️
one time we were watching a movie in social studies and it was really boring and no one wanted to watch so a lot of ppl took their phones out and I'm like why not so i take it out and I guess the teachers finally realizes why everyone is looking down instead of toward the screen and she tells us to out it away unless we want it to be taken away, so I guess sort of but not really got caught if u know what I mean lol
I know what you mean, but not all teachers are that nice so just be careful❤️