What I think you guys look like 😬


What I think you guys look like 😬

5 0
close, but I would need curly hair 😊
I need brown hair and no glasses
great job! you were so close!( that's prob what I would look like when I am older)
I'll do one too.. just later lol 😊
ok. it's only 1:00 here so lol
I put you up I don't know what happened
God drama
leave me alone
I put her up and SOMETHING happened and now she's being a drama queen cuz she thinks I didn't put her up
Ikr 💔
leave me alone and quit commenting
no coolgurl700, little-me
little me not you, CoolGurl799 lol
omg I didn't do anything 😭😭
you do?!?
oh god I checked it out that's terrible
who do you think it is?
I didn't make it.
it's prob. coolgurl799
I know right lol
wow that's really mean coolgurl
you basically said you wouldn't stand up for coolgurl
I mean little-me lol