Sorry for all the quotes I think I'm obsessed


Sorry for all the quotes I think I'm obsessed

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I gave you a spam cuz ur my fave person on PC bîtch😊😒
jealous much
how am I jealous
for being rude and calling me a b**** over a little argument
over me telling you you can't tell people to vote for you when you put it up there yourself
honestly I think we could actually be friends and I think we have a lot in common I just think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm willing to forgive you (even tho u didn't do much wrong) and I thi m we should start again
yeah sorry I get frustrated a lot and stress from school gets in the way because I'm in grade 6 so I just started junior high and it's just hard
I'm on my second year of high school right now and it's aright I just get a lot of homework
ugh that must suck I don't actually get much homework which is surprising