You guys need to back the heck off of us.


You guys need to back the heck off of us.

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you go Mable and I totally agree with you!!!!!👍🏼
I'm turning an age in 2 weeks
um.. Pacifica are you okay?
ya bip what a poop head you are soooo mature way more than that stupid person!!!😡 NO ONE I REPEAT NO ONE CALLS YOU THAT
I'm flippen 17
hahah I am no kid excuse me
are you okay Pacifica? what's wrong?
no your not bip
You weren't being creepy! it's just kinda creepy some random person wanted to marry you..
hahah ya
same! if they mess with one of us, they mess with all of ud
I'm a teenager. Irl. I'm NOT a kid
I bet you the person who's hating is 9
or just way younger than any of us. no hate if any of us are 9