Sorry for change my name into my account and then changing it back again it's because I had a fight with a friend at school that threatened to delete my account but now I know that she can't do that but my name is back to normal now and I don't think I'll


Sorry for change my name into my account and then changing it back again it's because I had a fight with a friend at school that threatened to delete my account but now I know that she can't do that but my name is back to normal now and I don't think I'll

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I told somebody else to follow you and you didn't want me to but I did and that's why because we didn't have the argument when you changed it so this is false info and you threatened me so your just as bad and another person heard you threaten me but didn't hear me threaten you so also false info start putting all the details don't make me look like the one who's done wrong because you done wrong as well
shut up your the one that blocked me (not the one how is saying aaaawwww)