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@Samchees here's your second imagine! 
Requests open for imagines/one shots and edits!


• Tap Here • @Samchees here's your second imagine! Requests open for imagines/one shots and edits!

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(Let's just assume Jungkooks in high school) "Oh my gosh! Really!" Sam exclaimed. "You actually got me tickets to see BTS!" Sams mom nodded. "For your birthday." She said. "Thank you so much!" Sam said. "Wait, isn't a member of BTS in your school?" Sams mom asked. "Yeah, the Maknae; Jungkook. No ones allowed to talk to him and he always has guards around when he goes to any of his classes if he has the time though." Sam said. "Oh...is he in any of your classes?" She asked. "Yeah, I have one class with him but he's never gone to it before, so I want to go to a concert to see him and the other BTS members." Sam said her mom nodded. "Go to sleep now, tomorrow's school." Sam's mom said and Sam nodded
-time skip to school- At school Sam and one of her best friends were walking to one of their classes. They heard a bunch of murmuring and whispering so they turned around and saw a two bodyguards and a young male who looked oddly like Jungkook...wait it was Jungkook. Sam and her friend being ARMYS fangirled but knew if they walked up to him they'd be pushed away. Jungkook quickly went to his classroom.
The bell rang and Sam went to her class and saw Jungkook sitting at the back he didn't have any bodyguards so he was my himself. Their teacher specifically told the other students not to talk or sit next to Jungkook which caused Jungkook to seem very upset. In all honesty he wanted to be seen as a normal student that day but knew that wasn't possible.
When the class was doing their work the teacher asked if Jungkook wanted to sing for them. Jungkook suddenly became shy as everyone in the classes eyes were on him. "Seriously you can sing infront of millions of people just not infront of us?" A rude classmate of Sam's. About two seconds later Jungkook started singing. I caused the the rude classmate of Sam's to be quiet because everyone wanted to hear Jungkooks beautiful voice. He was singing the Butterfly Prologue version (I'm obsessed with every song in their latest album). After a while Jungkook stopped singing. The class clapped for him. He smiled and bowed great fully
After a while, one of Jungkooks body guards came into the class and said that Jungkook had to leave because he had to practice for the concert that yes indeed Sam was going to. Jungkook bowed to the class and left the room. {To Be Continued}
@Samchees Is it okay if I continue this as a small story on my PicCollage account and use Sam as a character?
Yes, of course! it's amazing story!
Thank you! I hope you enjoy it!