✨ 600 ✨


✨ 600 ✨

74 0
congrats girl! u deserved it!😘❤️✨
congrats girl!!this is long overdue!
thank you!😘
thank you!
Omgggggg!! I'm remembering my freak out moment when you told me bout 600!! Well what can I say..... Ur an amazing person so u should have fab bffs!! CONGRATS u soon deserve this !:) what kind of a bff would I be if I didn't say ILYSM and all it crazy ways of being my best friend that I won't forgot even if we have to part ways after you know what...❤️
Yay congrats 💕
CONGRATULATIONS 🎉❤️ you deserve this so much. thanks for the shoutout 🎂 I've missed our chats too, nothing much is happening what about you? 💦
Np :), we were happy to feature u on our page!!! 💕
np!!!and tysm!!
nothing much, hbu?
sorry girl!i got my first hw today and all it was was:think about what makes a good community.its like they think we're two!!
that sounds horrible!!what grade r u in(u don't have to tell)
5, sorry to keep delaying my answers😔
oh ok!!what time is it where you live??here it's 10:36
wow!thats far apart!where do you live??
wow!in South America!!cool!(or are you in Asia)idk my geography very well😂I live in America
u were, but I'm gonna choose between around 10 people, probably.
cool!and goodnight!its past 11:00 pm here
like my 7 recents? thanks if you do💖
thank you!😘
I'm so proud of you! I wish I could give all my followers to you because I obviously don't deserve them. WE MUST GET YOU TO 700!!!!
fantastic! that's amazing! you're fantastic and deserve it!!