Sorry I haven't been posting I have a talent show to tomorrow and I am playing despacito on the violin so nervous


Sorry I haven't been posting I have a talent show to tomorrow and I am playing despacito on the violin so nervous

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woooo goood luck!!!!! I play the violin too!
you’ll be fine tho!
Yh lol we have so much in common! I’m working towards my grade 5 I do the trinity exam board wbu?
Ugh pic collage is under matineance so I have to use safari
oh that’s a shame 😭 Yh I’ve been thro loads of Violin teaches cuz of moving to secondary schl then being homeschooled and some just left!
hope u find one soon!
omg hi! I’m so sorry I haven’t been on!
congrats on the boyfriend!!👍❤️ Also, I also saw those vids they were cool!
heyyy, hows you?