Collage by Jake-Andrew-Matt-Dylan


28 81
Hey Dylan
Hey 😘
How was practice?
Good, we won against the other team *smiles*
That's amazing *smiles* I suck at basketball
*smiles* It's alright, maybe sometime we can play together
That would be great *smiles* but I would be really bad you would win
*smiles* I'll help you
*smiles* then you will have a lot of trouble
*smiles* You'll be great at it trust me
No I won't I suck completely *looks down*
No you don't *lifts you chin up*
Yeah I do *smiles and kisses you*
No you don't *kisses you back*
*laughs* I really do
*smiles* I doubt it
*laughs* you really shouldn't but whatever you say
*smiles* Yay! I finally won!
*smiles* Yes yes you won *laughs*
*laughs and smiles*
That's probably the last time though *laughs*
*pouts* Heyyyy! *laughs*
*smiles and laughs* well it's true
*smiles and looks in your eyes*
*looks into your eyes and smiles* Chelsea, you changed my life ever since I met you. I truly love you *kisses you*
You changed mine since I met you to I really love you *kisses you back*
Before I met you I was Sad because someone beat me and raped me *cries and hugs you*
What?! What's their user? *hugs you back and wipes your tears*
One of my good friends already took care of it I just met you and you brightened up my world *cries more and hugs you* they hurt me
It's okay, I'll protect you. If they ever do that to you tell me
I will *cries*
It's okay *wipes your tears*
I just am scared he will come back but your with me *lays my head on your chest*
Aye Dylan *smiles*
I'll always be with you *holds you close*
*smiles* thanks you
Aye Dylan *smiles*
Aye babe *smiles*
Aye Dylan *hugs you*
Dylan I loved that post you made about us I feel the same way but more *kisses you*
*hugs back* I feel the same way more *smiles*
No I do *smiles*
No I do *laughs and smiles*
Nope I do *laughs*
So not true *laughs*
It is very true I wouldn't lie *laughs*
I love you more *smiles*
Nope not true *smiles*
So true
Nope it's not true at all
It's true! *laughs*
Nope it's not true whatsoever *smiles and looks in your eyes*
It is true *smiles while looking into your eyes*
Ugh.....Fine you win this time *Kisses you*
Yay!! *smiles and kisses you*
You win but....*kisses you again* I get a prize too
And what would you like *pulls you close to me*
*bites lip* I don't know *smiles and bites lip again*
I believe you do know *smiles and gently pushes you against wall*
*bites lip* Yes I do know *smiles and bites lip*
*takes your shirt off* Then I'll give it to you *bites lip*
*bites lip* I'd like that *smiles and takes off your shirt*
That's good *picks you up and lays you down on bed*
*smiles* I love getting prizes
Then I'll give you prizes more often *takes your pants off*
*bites lip* I'd really like that
*smiles and undoes your bra and takes off your underwear*
*bites my lip harder*
Want me to go rough? *takes my pants and boxers off*
*bites lip and smiles* Maybe....
*smiles* Okay baby (It won't let me comment the things so can we remix)
*smiles* (yeah *smiles*
(Okay *smiles*)
Is this the bad boy you were talking about *bites lip*
Yeah *smiles*
I kinda like it *smiles and blushes*
Dylan Aly wants to know when Jake will be back?
You do? *smiles*
Sorry our phones died and our charger sucks 😁
It's ok *smiles*
hi love boys who play basketball