It's tru I am da man


It's tru I am da man

16 0
Leo I need advice
yes I am yes I am yes I am
wut advice I can give advice
what should I do if there's this random guy who's kinda stalking me and really likes me and is constantly staring at me and has a gf and his gf knows he likes me and yet she's still dating him no idea why so yea what should I do about him
and what if I'm never gonna see my crush again
one AM I UR CRUSH (at least one of them?)
ok now that's that is out of the way I think u should tell ur crush how u feel or at least try to talk to him and be his friend get his number (or whatever he texts with)
and the creepy stalky guy if he already has a gf then why does he stalk u? well my advic talk to his gf and tell her ur problem(if she is mad at you because her bf likes u then I am sorry this advice is useless$
ur brilliant
aww thx hope it helps
it does😉
that's sounds like something Octavian would say