Wallpaper contest!! Also I will pick the winner when I find the "perfect" wallpaper for me! I will also come back to this contest whenever I feel like changing again!❤❤❤


Wallpaper contest!! Also I will pick the winner when I find the "perfect" wallpaper for me! I will also come back to this contest whenever I feel like changing again!❤❤❤

14 11
pls read the caption and this comment if ur entering! the winner will receive a shoutout and spam of likes!❤
omg I'm forgetting everything ! ok this will be my final time adding a edit: u can enter up to 3 times. k that's all folks, (finally)
I tried
ummm, what pic? I forget everything. u can use it though, whatever it is. lol #worstMemoryInTheWorld
lol that's fine u did great!
When will this contest start and end
sylvianjue, the contest starts now and will end when I find the "right" one for me