


71 2
πŸ‘ŒπŸΌI get you
I feel like this sometimes... like I feel like no one
ever talks to me anymore, and I just feel so left out
I know... I kind of feel like this as well! It's okay to have these feeling though... we all do at some point. It's just that some people don't confess. I love how your so kind and honest. You always put others before you. I really don't get why you haven't been featured, because your collages are GOALS!!!! Haley, stay strong and please don't leave!!!!!! We love you!!!!πŸ˜˜β€οΈπŸ’•πŸ‘ŒπŸ»βœ¨πŸ’Xx
Btw I love your bio!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I feel you I’ve been on for 4 years
But I was rlly young when I first got pic collage
Hayley, I know we've haven't really talked to each other before, but you're so sweet and always put others before you! What would Pic Collage be without you? You make STUNNING collages! I know you'll get featured soon, because you collages are legit GOALS! Stay strong Hayley, please don't leave. I know you're probably thinking, "She's just saying that because she pitys me" but no; I'm saying it because it's genuine. Love you! xx
i totally understand you cuz i haven't been featured either, but i feel the same way!! i'm also in a lack of inspo and i'm kind of debating if i should leave...😞but i think you should stay, and ik you're expecting to see this, but i really mean it hayley!!! please please please please just think about it!!!!! we all love youπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
I love your bio
just because you have not been
featured doesn’t mean that you’re
not special or smth. i mean if you
want to leave i probably can’t do anything
but maybe you’ll be on pop page in the
future! (fix the send button)
No problem! Lol! It's a parody I made with my friend!πŸ˜‚
glad u told us!
I think u should keep trying
I haven't been featured yet eaither
ok, I understand (my mom doesn't know that I privetly chat with strangers so I kinda understand
look Hayley! I feel like this almost everyday that I am on pic collage! I have friends who have hundred and even thousands of more followers then me and yes I do get jealous. I get jealous of their popularity, features, friends, followers, likes and how perfect they are and their collages are. but then I realise they're not a perfect human they're just like me. so I take inspiration off of them and I get inspiration. Hayley I know how it feels to be lonely here on pic collage. I have had days where I have thought my "friends" don't care about me. but they do they really do! it's like rn you might think she is just saying this and she really doesn't mean it. but I do I really do. Hayley your not the only one. so if you need to talk, vent or just chat just comment on my page or atleast someone's because I guarantee they will reply and be a true friend. love you Hayley. xx πŸ’•
I definitely understand how you feel Hales, you DESERVE to be featured, but pc is about your friends, being creative and making others feel good!! ilysm, if you need to chat, go to my main (dancingflowers)!! stay strong, we love you! xx ❀️
np! 😘
I completely understand... I feel a similar way sometimes... if it makes you feel better I've been on PC for a longggggg time; I consider myself a PC oldie. and I've never been featured the 3 or 4 years I've been here. but it gets better I've made great friends and I have no doubt you could too
Honestly man I wouldn't set your value based on getting featured, because quite frankly it doesn't mean much. I've been featured twice and it's been a pretty 'meh' expierence, your account doesn't just boost up, and it doesn't change who you are or who your friends are, it kinda is just there and you eventually forget about it. Likes is kinda the same thing as well, they may look nice but they don't make you a better or worse person, or a lesser or more talented person. There's plenty of people on this app that make literal art and don't get featured or receive few likes. Making stuff that makes you happy whenever is the most important thing. Getting featured and all that mess is easy, just use generic corny quote and make the letters look pretty on a generic picture, but do you really wanna be just generic? Makes something new, make something original and then eventually it may catch on, dont put yourself down because you haven't gotten on the front page, use this as an opportunity to start something new.
lemme tell you, i feel the exact same way:( after i left pc cos my phone made it crash sm, its different everyone forgot how i was. we can work through it together k;) message me back ya? love youuu
Haley, I get it. I don't want u to leave, but, if it will help u then go for it. I will miss u LOADS, but it's up to u. I'm here if u want a chat! ilysm πŸ’• Lexi x
I still haven’t been featured 😭