[ c l i c k ]
// this is why i cry at night \\
// eyy i lowkey hate my new haircut bc it looks horrible from the front jfc // i'm super tired for no reason atm :))) // please talk to me i'm a burnt waffle and i'm lonely \\


[ c l i c k ] // this is why i cry at night \\ // eyy i lowkey hate my new haircut bc it looks horrible from the front jfc // i'm super tired for no reason atm :))) // please talk to me i'm a burnt waffle and i'm lonely \\

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hullo little Kawaii burnt waffle
hey :,)
i'm dead inside and incredibly tired, hbu?
I'm always dead inside
lol ur a burn waffle?? give me like two minutes I'll show u burnt
haha how was that for a burnt waffle
hello burnt waffle