“flowers grow back, even after they are stepped on. and so will you." // 3 eDITS IN A DAY IM ON FIRE // guys i have a 4 day weekend ☺️ & ive got a tON of homework ! even better ! *sarcasm!* #pconly


“flowers grow back, even after they are stepped on. and so will you." // 3 eDITS IN A DAY IM ON FIRE // guys i have a 4 day weekend ☺️ & ive got a tON of homework ! even better ! *sarcasm!* #pconly

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ah homework. the donald trump of shool
Omg this is stellar
I'm on spring break but I have a ton of hw to do as well this slays like how😍🙌
I HAVE A LONG WEEKEND AS WELL BUT LEFT MY BACKPACK AT SCHOOL CAUSE NO HW 😝 hahahahahahhahhahhahahaha beeyotch 😂 jk ily
i guess you could say we have genes like the Malik family 😍😘😂
you have no idea how happy I am youre online