So mad rn imma do something I will regret if they carry on


So mad rn imma do something I will regret if they carry on

17 0
wat u gonna do?
cut maybe
....Billie....u r gona make mi cry?
CC is making me cry she's doesn't care she won't talk to me
Billie....she's probably sad that your gonna cut and then probably went to go in break or she's doing something....there is a thousand and one reasons why......Billie
she hates me
she doesn't, she's your fiancΓ©, and she loves you
I've ended it 😭
NOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Billie, in like 5 minutes you'll regret doing that.....why?
told ya
told ya what?
that I would do something I regret
Then stop it
because you love her and you know it and she also loves you.....don't hurt her
I already have by coming into her life
Billie!!!!!!!! You not being alive is the worst thing ever, we all love you and she loves your the most......u being alive is the best thing ever and we are lucky to have you.....
no ur not seriously
Oh really....I mean it to the deepest part of my heart and body......I'm serious, I don't joke around with feeling
she's posted something
what does it say?
awww, I saw it Billie plz don't do this to her....plz
I've ended it with CC πŸ˜­πŸ˜”
NOOOO!!!! Billie!!!!! I can't believe you
what's up^^
what can't u believe
your acting like you.....u know
like whatV
like you just woke up....hello remember CC
oh God!
nothing, nothing nothing......
kk, are you mad at me?
what tf do u think
yes, Billie I'm sorry
ok Billie, wasn't to know what's wrong? of course you do, well I'm hurting
Billie, plz don't go...plz β€πŸ˜”πŸ˜­