I was outside today for the first time in over 5 days so yeah applause for me


I was outside today for the first time in over 5 days so yeah applause for me

17 0
Same but I have mid term so I don't think that counts
dafuq is mid term
jk I know what it is
wait isn't it a thing called mid term break?
anyway we call it sports break over here for some reason
Mid term break yeah whatever you wanna call it łmao
Sports break wt f Sweden
the government has serious issues they renamed the autumn break to reading break like fxck off
Well if that means they're expecting you to read or do sports over holidays then I'm glad I'm not Swedish
idk I'm not doing it though. my school still calls it autumn break even though it's correct
not correct*
sports break and autumn break w h y
but my mid term starts tomorrow