Hi friends I is sick (Tap :(( )

eek my temp is quite high,, it’s like 38.5 degrees Celsius (it started off at 37.3) 

I was gonna post a blog on my extras acc but, pc won’t let me.
Qotd: when you get sick do your teeth feel funny?

Aotd: yes.


Hi friends I is sick (Tap :(( ) eek my temp is quite high,, it’s like 38.5 degrees Celsius (it started off at 37.3) I was gonna post a blog on my extras acc but, pc won’t let me. Qotd: when you get sick do your teeth feel funny? Aotd: yes.

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oh noessss I hope u feel better soon Cindy ❤️
this is gorgeous btw
also I’ve been in 40 degrees Celsius once, nearly had to go to the hospital yikes
oMG AMAZING also ahhh i hope u get betterr
and I hope you get better soon 💛
AOTD: yasss hope you get better soon 😘
ohh nooo I hope u feel better soon ❤️
AOTD: eh not rlly. yesterday my friend was asking me if I get taller after I’m sick like i wish?? never heard of that but 🤔
omg it is so hot where you live! i live in canada and it is only 2 degrees celsius 😐😬
gorgeous 💗 I hope you feel better soon 💜
AOTD: yes, it’s sucksssss hope you get well soon!!!’😘😘💕
btw this is gorgeous
you’re welcome
soooo gorgeous
awww I hope you can get better soon
this is so stunning 💗 get well soon 💓
just B E A U T I F U L !!!!!!
S T U N N I N G😍
aww hope you feel better soon! D: aotd: sometimes :p Also THIS IS GORGEOUS!!! <3
w o w
AOTD: yeah
also for the collab I will try to have it done by tomorrow
ok. I don't think it will take me too long. I will finish as soon as I can
this is BEAUTIFUL❤️❤️❤️
im so sorry get some rest and get well sooOoOoOn
aotd: now that u mention it... yeah .__.
ah gorgeous
i hope you feel better soon 💗
ty x ~🍍