Single o whateva


Single o whateva

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Gage~ lol 😂 yup
hey were you on pc before?
Gage~ there we go lol my point proven lol at least you agree with me that it’s a good way to spend life lol
Gage~ haha yep *smiles*
Gage~ nice to meet you 😊
well I remember you, I think we were friends -Xavier
haha yeah I do :) and I think you also knew my sister, Mariah
how’ve you been?
I’m good and yeah I am :)
what’s up?
not much
your choice
alright, what do you want to order?
well where should we order it from?
sounds good, I’ll call and order *grabs my phone*
*calls and orders*
*puts my phone down and smiles* thanks
hmm probably my gaming room. I play video games from time to time
you think so? *chuckles and gets up*
we’ll see *walks to the room*
not much, you?
haha nice
how are you?
I’m good, thanks
good but I haven’t talked to her in a couple of days
yeah she just hasn’t been active because of work
it’s okay and thanks
not much, I’ve just been working
hey Jayla what’s up? -Xavier
I just got home
a friend’s house
haha yeah, I might go to sleep soon
how’s your day?
aha yeah
what are you doing?
that’s boring
what subject?
yeah sure
alright *sits down* what movie?
*puts it on*
agreed *watches*
yeah sure. I can get it *stands up*
well what do you mean?
yeah I know, we were pretty good friends. to answer your question, I think it’s possible
*smiles and goes to get the popcorn*
*comes back with a bowl of popcorn and sits down*
*chuckles* you have to share *reaches over and grabs some*
*chuckles and eats it*
*nods* hmm.. who should I be?
haha alright then I’m woody
howdy 🤠
*chuckles* we got distracted. the movie is going to be over soon
I still have some time
let’s watch the rest *turns back to the movie*